Oven Dish
These versatile oven dishes are a practical addition to the JIA ‘Ding’ series. Designed for both cooking and serving, the dishes are ideal for slow cooking, oven roasting, baking or keeping leftovers in the fridge.
Each piece functions both as a dish and a lid. This is achieved by small locating features at diagonal ends of the rim, which ensure a secure fit when one dish is flipped over and placed on top of the other. They can be used individually or as a pair, with low and high sizes combined as desired. The dishes are available in pairs in two sizes, and are made from fireproof ceramic with a white glazed interior and a natural unglazed exterior.
Produced by: JIA Inc.
Date: 2012
Awards: Design Plus Award (2013)
Credit: Photo 1 and 6-8 courtesy of JIA Inc.